Reduce Sugar. This is the BIGGEST bolster your can give your immune system. Sugar essentially paralyzes white blood cells for a period of time, preventing them from using vitamin C to attack microbes.
Get Calcium from Green Vegetables. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body, and is the CORE of your immune response. It helps hold your cells tightly together so invaders can’t penetrate your immune barriers. Without it, your white blood cells can’t travel to attack invaders. Muscle soreness and cramping before or after illness is a sign of inadequate calcium. Most calcium supplements, with the exception of bone meal and calcium lactate aren’t very bio-available. Eat green veggies. My personal favorites are green beans and steamed artichokes with avocado oil : )
Eat more Essential fats/EFA’s. Without these your body can’t move calcium into your tissues where your immune system needs it. Animal fats such as cold-water fish have the most readily available EFA’s. Flax seed oil, black currant seed oil, sesame seed oil are also rich in other EFA’s. Ask us if you need help finding a good source for your body’s needs.
Sleep. When do you get sick? When you’re worn down and depleted. This is your body’s dedicated repair and rebuild time. 10pm-midnight is most restorative.
Hydrate and Humidify. Indoor air in the winter is drying to your skin and mucous membranes. Without a coating of moisture, viruses and other pathogens can attach and take hold. Drink water and use a humidifier.
Elderberry Syrup – every day. I use this recipe from snow through spring. Reduce the honey by half. It’s quick to simmer and makes your home smell spicy and lovely. I take 1 T daily, and up to 3 if I’m feeling a little off. Kids naturally need less. Avoid eating uncooked elderberries.
Move. Even gentle movement like a walk or restorative yoga for 20 min., dancing to your favorite song, or dry-brushing before bathing can support your immune system. Movement flushes your lymphatic system, which is the garbage disposal system of your cells. Better out than in!
I feel so much better. No more intestinal pain, and overall happiness. The weight loss is pretty nice too. My husband can't stop smiling, and neither can I. This program is so life changing. It's amazing to feel like myself again.
- Kate, Portsmouth, NH
My skin feels better – not so dry, and dark circles are better! I am sleeping longer, and don't seem as tired all the time. And, my pants are getting looser!
- L.C.
My hands have always been cold and I assumed they always would be. Now that my thyroid is back in balance, my hands are rarely cold and I have much more energy.
- T.H.
My skin is clearer and softer. My head is clearer too, and I have steadier energy throughout the day
- J.C.
My anxiety is ten times better. Stomach issues that I used to have daily are completely gone. I've also lost 20 pounds already, and need a new wardrobe!
- J.P.
I am happy to be learning so much & taking better care of myself – I want my golden years to be very active.
- P.V.
I honestly feel like a new woman. I never thought I would feel this good again. Having my energy back is priceless!
- –Jess, Kensington, NH
My hands are warmer, and I'm most happy with my hair feeling thicker and less frizzy. My nails are growing harder and not splitting. My skin feels soft and less red and inflamed-looking!
- A.M.
I've noticed less puffiness under my eyes, and less dark circles. The way I feel is amazing, and I've already lost a bit of weight! I love my new way of eating.
- H.S.
Everyone at work is noticing and asking what's different
- N.S.
My doctor is very pleased with my numbers. When I told him about the changes I've been making, he kept asking "who is this person?" I'm just so happy to get my health (and my body) back.
- N.S.
I love my reflection now. I feel younger, more vibrant, and clearer-headed. Not to mention the lighter feeling because of weight loss. My confidence is higher because of the weight loss and new look of my body and my skin is amazing!
- N.S.
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